Sunday, May 5, 2013


I am very pleased to introduce you to a lovely and talented artist! Christa is based in Greece and she is of Greek and German origins. Besides being a very talented artist, Christa is a wonderful person and she loves animals and nature. As soon as I first saw her paintings, I was captured by their vivid colors, by the evident love for life, nature, people and animals that this artist expresses, and by that charming, "naïve" quality of her paintings. They spoke to my heart. Christa works under her own brand Oil Paintings Christa, and  here she shares her artistic journey and inspiration with us!
Welcome Christa!

- How did you first come to art and creativity? How did your journey in art and creativity begin?
Wie bist Du zu Kunst und Kreativität gekommen? Wie hat Dein Weg in die Kunst und Kreativität begonnen?

That’s a good question. Painting has been in me since my childhood. I used to paint everywhere… on paper, on the table, and my favourite place were the walls. I think I have taken after my mother.

Das ist eine gute Frage. Malerei war in mir schon als Kind drin. Ich malte überall. Auf Papiere, auf dem Tisch, und mein Lieblingsplatz waren die  Wände. Ich glaube, ich habe diese Bedenken von meiner Mutter geerbt.

- When and how did you realize this was your real life path?
Wie und wann hast Du verstanden, dass dies Dein echter Lebensweg war?

When I lost my job 5 years ago (2008), and suddenly my life was full of free time!!! I said loud – “Now you have time for what you love!”. I started taking painting lessons from a friend and painter, Mr Gerontas. After that, I began with my first doodles.

Als ich meinen Job verloren habe vor 5 Jahren (2008), und plötzlich wurde mein Leben voll mit  freier Zeit!!! Ich sagte ganz laut-‚ ”Jetzt hast du Zeit für das, was du liebts“. Ich begann Malunterricht bei einem Freund und  Maler, den Hr. Gerontas. Danach begannen die ersten Schmierereien.

- What are your main sources of inspiration?
Was sind für Dich die Hauptquellen der Inspiration?

Hm… people and animals around me, or photos. The important thing is it makes me happy. And when I notice something, I think “How could I paint that?” or “I’m going to paint this!”. It’s odd, but I can’t paint when I’m sad.

Hm……Menschen und Tiere um mich herum oder Fotos. Hauptsache es macht mir Freude. Und wenn mir etwas auffällt, denke ich, ’’Wie könnte ich es malen’’? Oder…’’dieses mal ich’’. Es ist komisch, aber ich male nicht, wenn ich traurig bin.

- We share a big love for animals, how do you express this in your artwork?
Wir haben beide eine große Liebe für Tiere… wie drückst Du dies in Deinem Werk aus?

Oh yes, animals… I admire their nature. How they do everything in a perfect way. Getting an animal on canvas is about my personal feelings too… or a friend’s personal moments that have inspired me.

Oh ja, Tiere. Ich bewundere ihre Natur. Wie perfekt sie alles machen. Dass ich ein Tier auf die Leinwand bringe, das hat auch mit meinen persönlichen Gefühlen zu tun, oder auch mit persönlichen Momenten eine Freundes, die mich gereizt haben.

- How has life affected your art and art affected your life?
Wie hat Dein Leben Deine Kunst beeinflusst, und wie hat wiederum Kunst Dein Leben beeinflusst?

In an absolutely positive way! Everything has become more beautiful and calmer, and especially my inner self. I used to be a very restless person. Art, no matter which kind, does help. And I recommend everybody to give themselves some time for art, and to express themselves through it. Sometimes words are not enough.

Total positiv! Alles ist schöner und vor allem ruhiger geworden, und überhaupt mein Inneres. Ich war ein sehr unruhiger Mensch. Kunst, egal welche, hilft. Und ich rate allen Menschen, sie sollen sich etwas Zeit für die Kunst geben, und sich so ausdrücken. Manchmal reichen die Worte nicht.

- Art is about light and color! What are your favorite colors?
Kunst ist Licht und Farbe! Was sind Deine Lieblingsfarben?

Light colors especially. I love blue and green. I think you can see this. I mix them myself and thus I learn more about them.

Helle Farben vor allem. Blau und Grün liebe ich sehr. Ich glaube das sieht man. Ich mische sie selber und so lerne ich mehr davon.

- How does your home country and in particular Greek art influence your work? Are you inspired by any particular painters?
Wie beeinflusst Dein Heimatland und insbesondere griechische Kunst Dein Werk? Bist Du durch besondere Maler inspiriert?

My home country has a strong influence on me, especially ist nature. As to Greek art, I mostly like the old one. I’m inspired by many painters, especially those who painted details. There are many. I often look at many paintings and I’m curious about everything. I wish I could go back in time, 200 or 300 years, and I could sit next to a painter and could watch him, his colors and his model.

Mein Heimatland beeinflusst mich sehr, und besonders seine Natur. Von Griechischer Kunst, liebe ich mehr die Alte. Bin durch viele Maler inspiriert und vor allem auf die, die Einzelheiten malten. Es sind viele. Ich schaue mir sehr oft viele Bilder an und bin auf alles neugierig. Mein großer Wunsch ist, ich kehre 200 oder 300 Jahre zurück und sitze neben einem Maler und beobachte ihn, seine Farben und sein Modell.

- Did you have a formal training in the arts or attend art courses?
Hattest Du eine formelle Kunstbildung? Hast Du Kunst studiert oder Kunstkurse besucht?

I took training hours from Gerontas. About 6 months. He paints so real, and every day, as I walked by his shop, I had to stop and admire his artwork. So it all started, and we are now friends. Maybe I’m going to take up college some day.

Ich habe Lehrstunden bei Gerontas gemacht. Ungefähr 6 Monate. Er malt so echt, und jeden Tag als ich vor seinem Geschäft vorbei ging, musste ich anhalten und seine Werke bewundern. So fing es an, und wir sind nun auch befreundet. Vielleicht studiere ich eines Tages.

- Do you have a studio or home studio or particular part of your house you have devoted to your artwork? Where do you paint your artwork?                                                                  
Hast Du ein Atelier oder “home studio” oder einen besonderen Teil Deines Hauses, den Du Deinem Kunstwerk gewidmet hast? Wo malst Du Deine Bilder?                                          

Yes, I have my own corner in our house. In front of me I have a large balcony door, and I can enjoy nature at the same time.                                                                                         

Ja, ich habe meine Ecke in unserem Haus. Vor mir ist eine große Balkontür und ich kann nebenbei die Natur genießen.

- How/where do you sell your artwork? (galleries, shops, exhibitions, online etc.)                            
Wie/wo vermarktest Du Dein Werk? (Galerien, Ausstellungen, online usw.)                               

I had 5 personal exhibitions. Two were at galleries. And I have participated in group exhibitions as well -- I find them very interesting, because you get to see so much. With personal exhibitions you get to know the painter better. I’m now also selling my work online in two e-shops.
Ich hatte 5 persönliche Ausstellungen. Zwei waren in Galleries. Und habe auch öfters in Gruppenausstellungen mitgemacht, die mich sehr interessieren, weil so sieht man vieles. Bei persönlichen kann man den Maler besser kennenlernen. Nun vermarkte  ich auch online in 2 e-shops.

Thank you dear Christa for this great and inspiring interview, and for sharing your artistic journey and inspiration! We wish you continued joy, inspiration and success with your art and in your life!
You can find Christa's wonderful original artwork in her Etsy shop and in her Dawanda shop and you can get to know more about her work and her colorful world in her lovely blog.



syros2js said...

I just read this lovely interview, on Christa's blog, my friend!!!
You already know, that I do admire your multi-talented personality and I think it's time to say the same thing for Christa, as well!!!
And since I didn't mention it to Christa's blog tonight, I think that Christa is a real ARTIST!!!
I love and admire both of you!!!
Kisses, sweetheart!!!

Annuk said...

THANK YOU, dear Joanna!!!
Christa is truly a lovely person and a very talented artist, and she deserves the attention!
Thank you for your sweet words, my friend!!! Polla filia, sweetheart!!!!

Unknown said...

Oh Annuk,ich erkenne mich hier!!!-)))
Das war aber eine sehr tolle Überraschung!So viele Gemalte,und dann noch mich....griiins...
Ich weiss nicht wie ich mich bei Dir bedanken soll.Alle diese Tage,waren sehr spannend und interessant und aufregend.Echt liebe Annuk,es ist für mich ne sehr sehr schöne Erfahrung.
Du hast den Post so toll vorbereitet wie ein richtiger Journalist!!!!
polla filakia,,,kalinichta....efcharistoooooooooooooo

Annuk said...

Liebe Christa, diese Zusammenarbeit hat mir auch Riesenspass gemacht, und ich danke DIR noch ganz herzlich für das tolle Interview!!!!
Ich danke Dir ganz herzlich für Deine lieben Worte und wünsche Dir noch GANZ GANZ viel Freude und Erfolg mit Deine Arbeit!!!
Alles Liebe! Polla filakia!!!!

PanicaLab said...

What an amazing interview. Beautiful artist. She has her own style therefore it's very special! Beautiful work Christa!!

Vores have said...

Beautiful paintings Christa has painted. Thank you showed them. Wishing you and Zoe a good Monday / good week. Hugs Hanne Bente

Annuk said...

Thank you Dominika! :)
Her work is indeed very personal and special!

Thank you Hanne Bente! :)
Have a lovely day and week! Hugs!

Hilde said...

Beautiful art, I especially like the painting of the cat :) Nice interview, Anna, and thanks for the introduction to the artist.

Have a good week.
Hugs :)

Annuk said...

Thank you Maria Elena! :)

I'm glad you enjoyed Christa's beautiful artwork and her interview, Hilde! :)
Have a lovely week, and hugs to you!

DIMI said...

Gia sou fili mou Annuk!What a beautiful interview you did for our beloved Christa!I love her paintings and i admire her amazing work!!I also see,she's a very beautiful lady!!Have a great week!Filakia to you,Zoe and Lilli!!

Annuk said...

Thank you, Dimi mou!!! I'm glad you enjoyed getting to know Christa better! Her artwork is indeed amazing! And yes, she is a very beautiful lady! :)
Polla filakia from us!!!
Anna, Zoe and Lilli

pantarei said...

Nice to meet Christa such sensitive and solar artist!Thank you annuk for the great interview!!
Ib especially love Mediterranean colours..I often feels that way when on an island I am surrounded by beauty!!

Annuk said...

Thank you my dear! :)
I'm so glad you enjoyed Christa's interview and you love her artwork too!

Unknown said...

i thank you all so much from my heart!!!!!
You are so lovely-)))
Kisses from Greece!!!!

Dawn of LaTouchables said...

I enjoyed this interview so much. Christa's work is filled with light and serenity. Thank you for introducing us to her!

purpleleath said...

Her paintings are amazing!!! I especially love the first one with the girl wearing her mother's shoes!!! The colours are fantastic!!!

Annuk said...

Thank you dear Dawn! :)
I'm so glad you (an artist I love and admire) appreciated Christa's interview and her work so much!

Thank you Maraki mou! :)
Christa is so talented, isn't she?

ElenaTerenzi said...


Annuk said...

Grazie Elena! :)

Anonymous said...

This post is really incredible, one of the most helpful I have ever read, indeed. The Dance

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